The Impact of Anxiety
According to the charity Mind, around 6% of the population in England suffer from anxiety in any given week. It affects our ability to sleep, work and live our best life. When anxiety takes over your life, it stops you from functioning. And creates a feeling of being trapped inside a cycle that you just can’t get out of. The body goes into overdrive – the heart rate spikes, you sweat profusely, and the senses are heightened. Untreated, it can lead to issues such as social exclusion, agoraphobia and other mental health issues.
Specific anxiety is related to one or more sources that can be identified. Some of the sources include:
Work issues
Relationship problems
Financial concerns
A major event in the past or the future
Side effects of certain medications
Alcohol or drug use
Lack of oxygen
Chronic or serious illness (or the fear of illness)
The world over the past few years has increased anxiety with events such as Brexit, COVID and the war in Ukraine all contributing to people’s general and specific anxiety.
Anxiety can be general or specific. General anxiety is a feeling that all is not well in your world without being able to pinpoint what exactly is making you feel like this. Uncontrollable worries take over your world, making you feel anxious multiple times per day or even permanently. It can be extremely debilitating.

Getting Help For Anxiety
I really do know what this feels like. We’re surrounded by pressures of work, society, the news and many other factors. Life has never been so hectic. We’ve never been as exposed to the influences of the world as we are today.
But you really don’t have to take the weight of the world on your shoulders. When you live a life free of anxiety, the world feels like a much better place to live in…
Your relationships are in a much better place.
Work doesn’t hold anywhere near as much fear.
People will notice a difference in the way you are with them.
You will notice a huge difference in the way you feel about yourself.
So, if you want a future without anxiety then online hypnotherapy could well be the answer for you. People often see progress in a very short space of time – and the end results after an extended period of time are quite remarkable. You don’t have to settle for a life that is controlled by your anxiety. I have helped many people in your situation see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I offer a FREE consultation so you can see if we can work together to achieve your goals. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions – I’m here to help.
Why Choose Me As Your Online Hypnotherapist?
There are literally thousands of people offering online hypnotherapy sessions. So why choose me?

Experienced - Many online hypnotherapists you find online are part-time and only offer hypnotherapy online to supplement their income from their main job. I am a full time hypnotherapist and have worked with hundreds of clients using online hypnotherapy, amassing thousands of practice hours. I have experience of working with people suffering from a wide range of physical, psychological and emotional symptoms. You will feel held in a gentle and nurturing way if you decide to work with me.

Qualified - It is an unfortunate fact that people can advertise themselves online hypnotherapists having received very little training. I accrued hundreds of training and practice hours before qualifying as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and am a member of The Association for Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy and the National Council for Hypnotherapy and abide by their strict codes of practice. In addition to my work as an online hypnotherapist, I also conduct face-to-face work at the award-winning Observatory Practice in Plymouth UK.

Highly-rated - Throughout my career, I have never received anything other than 5 star reviews on Google from clients with whom I have worked. Whilst I never guarantee results (and you shouldn't work with anyone who does), I do guarantee that you will be highly satisfied with the service I provide.

Honesty and Integrity - Throughout every hypnotherapy session, you will find me to be professional in my approach; people have often commented on my high levels of honesty and integrity whilst conducting my work as a Clinical Hypnotherapist.

Secure - I pride myself of providing a secure service. All of my work is GDPR compliant and I only use Zoom on the highest security settings.

Results - Whilst all of the above is obviously incredibly important when opting to work with me as your online hypnotherapist, the overriding factor is that you want results. As a qualified and experienced Clinical Hypnotherapist, you can expect to see results fast. Why not Book a FREE consultation to see how I can help you to make those changes in your life that you've always wanted. I look forward to seeing you soon.

A Client Success Story in Dealing with Anxiety
Having suffered from what I've come to recognise as anxiety for most of my 50+ years, I was somewhat sceptical when a good friend recommended that I try hypnotherapy with Brendan.
I was so, so nervous about doing it, in particular doing it online but, with a major event looming, I decided to be brave based on the transformation I'd seen in my friend.
Incredibly, within minutes of chatting to Brendan via Zoom I genuinely felt like I'd known him for ages and felt completely comfortable talking to him about the issues I needed help with - very, very few people know about my issues so it really says something that I felt able to be so open with Brendan.
Within just a few sessions, I felt like a different person - no more chronic overthinking, no more constant worrying and just a general feeling of calm.
I'm no longer mentally exhausted as my brain now knows how to stop the constant whirring.
I can face social situations without that deep rooted anxiety and, best of all, I don't feel as though I am living a life on high alert waiting for danger.
When I do have the odd wobble, I'm able to recognise it as just that and don't find myself spiralling into the rabbit holes of 'What if X happens? What will I do if Y happens?'.
It's hard to put into words what a difference my sessions with Brendan have made without gushing and coming across as insincere in the written word.
For anyone thinking that life long habits can't be changed, I'm delighted to say that I've found this to be incorrect and I can look forward to life with a different outlook.
I was initially sceptical about hypnotherapy but at the prompting of my wife I googled. Luckily Brendan's site appeared on page 1. An initial consultation revealed Brendan to be professional and empathetic and in no way a pushy salesman. After only five sessions, I am literally a changed man. Brendan listened, suggested, prompted and counselled and used all of this to programme some outrageously effective hypnotherapy. The result? Brendan's hypnotherapy has helped me to overcome years of anxiety and depression so that I now manage my moods and life's ups and downs much more easily. I can highly recommend Brendan as a compassionate, friendly, non-judgemental counsellor who gives generously. In fact, Brendan is so effective and honest that after 5 sessions, by my own judgement, I was so improved that he was clear that there was no need for me to pay for further sessions. Thanks Brendan, you're a life saver! Highly recommended!!! 5 stars!!!!
Brendan is amazing, so so amazing. I have been struggling with so much anxiety/depression over many topics and Brendan's changed my whole perspective around. I was a bit scared at first as I didn’t know what to expect but he made me feel so calm and secure. Left every session feeling like I could deal with myself more and more mentally every week.
I cannot thank Brendan enough for all his wonderful support. I got to a stage where my anxiety was taking over my life, I felt like I had tried everything and exhausted all options. I really don’t know what I would have done without someone recommending Brendan to me (they sang his praises so much, I booked in). I had always wondered if hypnotherapy would work and it absolutely has for me, I couldn’t believe the improvements. The positive difference it has made is remarkable and I feel like I have a better quality of life. If you feel like you need help, it is most definitely worth seeing if hypnotherapy will also work for you. Brendan is lovely, incredibly approachable and professional - I would highly recommend his support.